
I am a Professor of Artificial Intelligence, in the School of Electronics and Computer Science, at the University of Southampton.  I am the CEO of Responsible AI UK, a £31m programme to develop and support an international ecosystem for responsible AI. I am also the Director of the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub, the focal point of the £33m UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Programme, a Turing Fellow, associated with the Alan Turing Institute, and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

I am also the co-CEO of Empati Ltd, an AI startup focusing on the management of large-scale decentralised green hydrogen technologies building on my experience in developing AI algorithms for smart grids and using satellite data to monitor renewable energy assets.

I am interested in the development of core AI technologies and Human-AI partnerships and their application to key sustainability challenges. This includes domains such as smart energy systems, Smart Cities, and disaster response. My research combines a number of techniques from Machine learning, AI, Game theory, and HCI.

I am currently part of a number of exciting research projects totalling over £30 million, including BReCCIA (a GCRF-funded project on Food and Water Security in Africa), the Smart Cities Platform focusing on waste management and air pollution monitoring. I am also a Co-I on the Smart Solutions Towards Cellular-Connected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles System project. I was one of the three recipients of the 2018 AXA Research Award for my work on Responsible AI. I am member of the Centre for Doctoral Training on Machine Intelligence for Nano-Electronic Devices (MINDS CDT).

In the past,  I have either led or been part of major scientific and industrial research projects including the ORCHID programme within which I developed applications of Human-Agent Collectives. Prior to this I worked on the award-winning ALADDIN project (with BAE Systems) and IDEAS (with SECURE Meters).

I have won a number of awards including the Prisoner’s Dilemma Competition (2004,2005), Robocup Infrastructure Competition (2007), AAMAS best papers (2010,2013,2015), and honourable mention for the IJCAI-JAIR 2016 best paper prize for our work on game theoretic techniques for energy storage management.

I have served as PC/SPC/AC member for AAMAS, IJCAI, CHI, AAAI, and co-organiser of the workshop series on Human-Agent Interaction.  I am a member of the EPSRC  Peer Review College.  I have graduated over 10 PhD students.

Research Overviews

Research Projects

I am currently either leading or working on the following major projects:

The UKRI Trusworthy Autonomous Systems Hub

REACH: REsponsible Human Agent Collectives funded by AXA research

Shell-Southampton Centre for Maritime Futures (funded by Shell)

Future Interactions with the Autonomous Internet of Things

Building REearch Capacity for sustainable water and food security In drylands of sub-saharan Africa (BRECcIA)

Wearable and Autonomous Computing for Future Smart Cities: A Platform Grant